On Thursday, November 10, from 5:00 - 8:00 PM ORIAS will host an Open House to introduce its new Speakers Bureau!
Where: UC Berkeley campus, in 1229 Dwinelle Hall.
Educators are invited to meet our first 12 speakers, hear short teasers for their talks, ask questions, and schedule them to come to classes on the spot.
The inaugural group of speakers are graduate students whose areas of expertise cross both geographic and disciplinary boundaries. Each presenter has worked with ORIAS and with teacher-reviewers to hone a single presentation to make it age-appropriate and engaging. While talks are focused, most are both interdisciplinary and appropriate for a number of subjects. In addition to providing in-depth information in an interactive way, speakers will model skills from the Common Core standards and share their personal academic stories with the students they meet.
Whether you teach social studies, art, science or literature, at least one of these presentations can enrich your course.
This program is generously funded by the Title VI-funded Area Studies Centers along with the Center for Latin American Studies and the Center for African Studies here at UC Berkeley. Visiting your classroom is a chance for valuable professional development for our speakers.