Speakers Bureau talk

Description of a talk for the ORIAS Speakers Bureau

Maya Mam Language, Culture, and Migration

Speaker: Cristina Méndez

Learn about Maya Mam language, culture, and migration to improve teaching and learning.

Bay Area cities are home to a large Maya Mam-speaking community. This presentation, which is designed for administrators and teachers across disciplines, will provide background knowledge and resources to help educators better support Mam-speaking students and their families. Specifically, educators will learn about the...

Fire the Monster, the Teacher, the Gift

Speaker: Ghaleb Attrache

How do we become friends of fire in a society that mostly teaches us to fear it?

"Fire the Monster, the Teacher, the Gift" is adapted from Ghaleb's dissertation project on fire management and intentional burning practices in California. The dissertation explores the different ways that, through burning, fire practitioners from governmental, non-governmental, and tribal backgrounds understand and engage with fire as a living being, and how these
understandings inform...

WALKING THE CITY VIA COLOR: Mapping the Stories of the People through the Beauty and Power of Street Art

Speaker: Laila Guadalupe Espinoza

What are some of the ways that street art makes me feel that I belong in the city I live in?

This talk looks at the geo-political landscape of two cities through the critical lens of public art: the border city Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico where the speaker grew up and Oakland, CA, where the speaker (and perhaps the student audience) live together. By focusing on how local artists utilize images, words, color, lines and shapes to to express...

Farming for the Future: What should modern agriculture look like?

Speaker: Miguel Ochoa

How can we make the world a better place through food?

Agriculture is over 12,000 years old and forms the foundation of modern civilization. It is not one singular advancement, but rather many technological innovations built on top of each other. Yet while many of these technologies have helped humans produce staggering amounts of food, they have also brought new issues with them, such as soil degradation, excessive fossil fuel use, unhealthy diets, water...

Aesthetics of Geopolitics: Art and Politics of Crisis at the Front Lines of the Taiwan Strait

Speaker: Chris Chan

What is the relation between art and war?

Taiwan and the islands in the Taiwan Strait have increasingly become the locus of heightening geopolitical tensions in the world and the site of a cultural and psychological contestation of the region’s uncertain future. This talk examines how artists, politicians and everyday villagers are mobilized at the front lines of China’s maritime border with Taiwanese-administered islands. Students will be introduced to a...

"Diaries of the Night" from Nazi Germany

Speaker: Sloane Nilsen

How can dreams inform us about history?

In 1966, German-Jewish journalist Charlotte Beradt released her magnum opus "The Third Reich of Dreams," a slim book containing over a hundred nightmares she had collected from ordinary Germans who lived in Berlin during the first six years of the Nazi dictatorship (1933-1939). What they demonstrate is a persistent political climate of anxiety and fear that could follow city residents under threat of...

The "Dark Side" of AI: Technological Oppression in the Modern Era

Speaker: Lauren Chambers

How do we identify, understand, and resist the negative implications of widespread adoption of artificial intelligence?

As hype and excitement grows around algorithmic technologies and artificial intelligence, it's more important than ever to understand the broad impacts that AI can have on our society. Especially when governments adopt harmful technologies, or use technology in inappropriate ways, the scale of harm can be massive. Indeed, from facial...

Trust, Lies, and Misinformation

Speaker: Hannah DeBrine

When should we tell the truth? When should we believe someone?

Citizens today are subject to a wide variety of misinformation. But despite the risks, we can't get by without trusting other people. How can we deal with misinformation? In whom should we place our trust?

This lesson will introduce some basic concepts from epistemology (the theory of knowledge), with a focus on feminist epistemology, in an effort to give students some...

At Home in the World: Nature Writing through Climate Crises

Speaker: Coryna Ogunseitan

How can we explore our feelings about climate change through creative writing?

As environmental crisis escalates, creative writers across genres are increasingly centering feelings related to climate change in their work. Reading this literature can help us access our feelings of grief or anxiety related to the climate crisis, and can illuminate the ways in which poets guide the way for us to reshape our relationship with the natural world to be one of...

Preserving Nature’s Gifts Without Making the World More Unequal

Speaker: Sayantan (Sunny) Mitra

How can we mitigate climate change while also keeping in mind the inequalities that climate change has made worse?

On one hand, the negative effects of frequent extreme weather events brought about by climate change are being felt by people around the world. On the other hand, human activities that contribute to the build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere show no signs of stopping. While mitigation efforts to decrease our CO2 emissions are...