ORIAS Summer Institutes for Teachers

ORIAS Summer Institutes

ORIAS Summer Institutes invite educators to be students again.

ORIAS hosts two summer programs at UC Berkeley. Teachers of many disciplines, from elementary through high school, are invited to attend the k-12 Summer Institute. The Community College Summer Institute is designed primarily for community college and AP-level history and social studies teachers, particularly those who teach World History, Global Studies, or regional histories.

Summer programs explore unique themes in World History and other international and global topics. Teachers leave ready to incorporate new content into classroom lessons. Presenters explain recent scholarship and address participants' questions. Throughout each day, educators have opportunities share ideas about both content and pedagogy.

Summer Institutes are free and open to all educators. Participants in the k-12 Summer Institute may also receive professional development credit. 

photo credit: Top of the Campanile via UC Berkeley (license)

world map collage showing all continents

Case Studies in World History

Summer Institute for Community College Instructors May 30 - 31, 2025

This program revisits the ORIAS focus on teaching World History through a collaboration with History for the 21st Century. Sessions will feature academic talks by H21 authors, explorations of related teaching materials, and facilitated discussion about how these topics and materials fit within the context of the World History survey course at community colleges. H21 materials are authored by scholars specifically for use in World History survey courses, then peer...