Summer Institute for Community College Instructors May 31 - June 1, 2024
How does the state know itself and the world in which it operates? This summer institute will explore the ways in which states generate and use information. How do states produce information about themselves, collect information about other states and peoples, and manage the flow of information internally and externally? What kinds of information is available to states in the age of big data and does this substantively change relations between states, corporations, and citizens?
The Creation and Transformation of Legal Regimes Summer Institute for Community College Instructors June 2 - 3, 2023
Over the past five centuries, expanding imperial ventures, human migrations, and emerging technologies created challenges to governance. As increasing numbers of merchants and soldiers, bureaucrats and laborers traveled the world, what systems of rules governed their behaviors? To what extent did the legal regimes of their home governments constrain or direct their individual activities as well as their interactions with others? What happened when the movement...
Summer Institute for Community College Instructors June 3 - 4, 2022
What are the characteristics, sources, and institutional foundations of wealth across time and place? What can we understand about labor, resources, power, and inequality through the exploration of wealth? The 2022 summer institute will examine this topic by analyzing a series of specific individuals from around the world, across millennia.
This ORIAS Summer Institute is open to community college instructors across disciplines and (space permitting) high school teachers of AP courses. It is intended...
Summer Institute for Community College Instructors
May/June, 2020
4 online sessions: 5/29, 5/30, 6/5, 6/6
How do we interpret narratives about mass movements in the past? And how does that understanding across the distance of time compare to the actual, complex experience of participating in such a movement?
The 2020 ORIAS Summer Institute for Community College Instructors takes a look at mass movements, past and present. In addition to considering the context, ideology,...
Summer Institute for Community College Instructors
June 2 - 4, 2021
9:00 AM to 12:30 PM (PDT) each day via Zoom
In the US, the ongoing conversation about Black Lives draws connections between our history of chattel slavery and modern racism. This summer, the ORIAS Summer Institute for Community College Instructors seeks to contextualize that national history within a broader, global context by exploring coerced labor in different guises across time and place....
2016 Summer Institute for Community College Instructors
How would your curriculum change if your default historical subjects were women, rather than men?
How would you assess the importance of the agricultural revolution or Athenian democracy? Would property rights and marriage laws edge out professional status and voting rights in classroom discussions about power? How would you construct narratives of long-distance trade, imperial conquest, and industrialization? Do you imagine the core...
Community College Summer Institutes originated from the World History Working Group, which met regularly from 2011 to 2015. The current annual workshops are designed for community college and AP-level instructors who teach World History, Global Studies, or other courses with strong...
The 2018 Summer Institute for Community College instructors will consider migration and diaspora from the standpoints of wide-ranging disciplines, including history, anthropology, sociology, journalism, and international law. Join your teaching colleagues in this exploration of human migrations of the distant past, causes of migration, the subjective experiences of both new migrants and those living in long-established diasporas, and current issues in global migration....
“The story of world history, if it is to be balanced and accurate, will inevitably consider the natural environment and the myriad ways in which it has both affected and been affected by human activities…Economics, trade, and world politics are regulated, whether humans wish it or not, and whether they are conscious of it, by the availability, location, and finite nature of what, in the language of development, are called “natural resources.””...
Summer Institute for Community College Instructors
May 31 - June 1, 2019
News of the past few years has increasingly featured accounts of rising national populism in the form of public demonstrations, rhetoric, political leadership, public rhetoric, and more. To examine this global phenomenon, the 2019 Summer Institute for Community College Instructors pivots away from a World History focus toward Global Studies. This program will first consider what Global Studies is and how Global Studies programs differ around the world. Then, participants...